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Important Notice for Our Android App Users!

We’ve identified a minor issue with the current version of our Android app. To avoid any inconvenience, please download and install this stable version of the app:
Download Stable Version App
For those who prefer using our services online, you can also access everything through our web portal:


Visit Our Online Portal
If you're experiencing issues with accessing our website due to a certificate expiration, please do proceed to visit our website as we are still in the process of solving this issue.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.​

To provide information Communication Technology (ICT) services to enrich the lives and social wellbeing of the people, and to support Tuvalu’s development initiatives that foster economic growth across all sectors.


Privacy Policy



Monday – Friday: 9am – 3pm (CSR)

8:30am - 4:30pm (Hub and Finance)


Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays


General Enquiries: +688 20005

Finance: +688 20010 / +688 20011

Toll-Free Number#

TTC Hub: +688 20019 (555)

Telephone line Fault: 444

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